Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Home Again, Home Again

We are home from the hospital thank goodness. I am relaxing and having a tasty glass of wine to celebrate. I will write a bit more later when I get a chance I just wanted to share the good news.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Greetings from the Children's Hospital

I am once again sitting in the hospital with my 5 year old daughter. She is getting a course of IV steroids. The Neurologist is not quite sure what she has so we are waiting for some test results. Sitting here gets a little long at times. One can only watch so much Dora the Explorer before you just have to tune it out. The doctors have not done their rounds yet so we are waiting for that.

Sleeping was quite difficult last night. I think I got a few hours. The time I did sleep I had some VERY strange dreams though. During one bit I was ordering breakfast for Olivia from the hospital room service. A nurse answered the phone an told me that I could not order anything that did not have artificial sweetener in it. She said I was on a special diet because my butt was getting too big. Then I just started chanting blueberry pancakes, sausages, boiled egg, fruit cup. Over and over I chanted that. Guess what I got Olivia for breakfast this morning :)

My dear husband is off getting a crown on a tooth this morning. From the dentist he is going to come see us at the hospital then head straight to work. The man is definitely a rock. He makes things so easy for me. I don't know what I would do without him.

It is 9am and we have already been up for 3 hours. I am so ready for a nap. I am so glad that they have free coffee here.

Olivia's hospital room is on the 5th floor. We have a great view. I can see a lake ( I am not sure which one, I will have to ask Bradd), 2 soccer fields ( there have been a lot of practices and games for me to watch), and a whole bunch of trees. This room is about 3 or 4 doors down from her last room.

I find this hospital stay a bit sad and depressing in a way that I had not imagined before. Yesterday when O was going in for her spinal tap a med student came in and asked for our permission to watch the procedure as she has never seen it before. That got me thinking about how many people go through their whole life never having to see it done and here I was watching it happen to my baby girl for the second time in 2 months. Between yesterday and today I have run in to so many people here that have said, "I remember you, weren't you just here?" That question hurts every time it is asked. It reminds me of the last time we stayed and it reminds me that we are not that much better off now then we were then. At times I find this all too overwhelming and I am left with just enough brain power to stare out the window and zone out. Thankfully I save that till nap time or bed time.

I guess that is all I have to say for now. I think I will go and listen to a bit of my audio book while I wait for the doctors to do their rounds.