Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hot for Teacher

Finished the Clapotis KAL. I am in love with this beautiful wrap. I want to crank up the air to make it cold enough so I can wear it all day. Right now it is on display at Firefly Fibers to keep that urge at bay.

Today is a nervous and exciting day for me as I begin my career as a knitting teacher. I have, in the past, taught countless people to knit. So why am I nervous now? Maybe it is the classroom setting. Maybe the fact that people are paying to take this class. Maybe I am just afraid that my skirt will be tucked into my underwear and no one will let me know (should I go with pants tonight?). I think that my biggest worry is that sometimes (insert always) I have a problem getting my thoughts out into understandable words. I get tripped up with language. My hands and my brain know just what to do but my mouth does not know how to explain it. This can be most frustrating to all involved. On the up side I am teaching knitting basics tonight. That is my favorite thing to teach. I love sharing the joy that is knitting. I also have a wonderful group of people filling me with confidence. That said, I am sure the evening will run smoothly. I best be off and get the last bits together.


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