Sunday, November 13, 2011

I Left my Heart in Seattle

Dear Friends,

We just got home from a wonderful (much too short) trip to Seattle, WA. My feet ache, my head aches, and I am exhausted. In short, we did as much as we could with the time we had and ended up falling in love with the beauty and the history of the place.

Had I the time I could have sat in the window of our hotel room watching boats come and go for hours. Alas, we were on a tight schedule so window gazing will have to wait for another trip.
Friday, the kids and I did some sight seeing on our own.  First we had to make a stop at Macy's as I forgot to pack socks and could not imagine wearing the same pair for an entire week. Toes clean and warm, we headed to a tour of Underground Seattle. It was really interesting. I would recommend for everyone to go if you are in the area.
After the tour we shopped at a toy shop, ate caramel apples for lunch, and got soaked in a downpour. We all had umbrellas...back at the hotel.

C wanted dry socks and shoes and IT was sick of carrying around my packages so we walked back to the hotel before heading to the Seattle Aquarium. It is hard to list off all that we saw there. It was pretty great. My favorite things were the jellyfish and the sea otters.
We met up with Bradd after the aquarium and headed to an arcade to pass the time until dinner. C and O had seen an episode of Man vs. Food - Seattle where Adam ate at The Crab Pot. O's vacation would not have been complete without a bib, a wooden mallet, and crab dumped right on the table.
Saturday was family day since Bradd was with us. We did the Pike Place Market and watched guys throw fish. We tasted fresh apples and pears. We shopped till we could shop no more.

We hopped onto the monorail and rode to the Space Needle.
After waiting and taking the elevator to the top we were seated and had a delicious brunch in the revolving restaurant.

 We revolved for about one and a half hours, paid for our meal, then walked up the stairs to the observation deck to brave the elements and look down from outside. The wind was brutal but the view was beautiful.

Finally we visited the Experience Music Project museum. Bradd and the kids got to jam in a recording studio. We saw  Battlestar Galactica, Nirvana, and Jimmy Hendrix exhibits.
We finally gave in to the sore feet and headed back to the hotel. On our way we stumbled across an Occupy Seattle demonstration. It was a bit like a bearded, sweatered rave in the rain. Quite the sight.

We got warm and dry. Went to the restaurant in the basement of the hotel for dinner, then up to bed with lights out for everyone by 8:30pm.

Today was a travel day. We are home with a pile of laundry that will have to wait untill tomorrow. I hope with all my heart that I will return to Seattle, and soon. There was so much we were not able to do because of time and weather. I can't wait to explore the "nature" of the area.

Till next time,

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How I spent my snow day -or- NerdWars Knits

It has been quite a long time since I have done color work knitting. I forgot how much I love it. I love following the chart switching between the color in my left hand and the color in my right. It is almost like meditation; blue, blue, grey, blue. Over and over again. Before I know it I am starting the decreases. The hat is Undergrowth. I used Blue Sky Alpaca Sport in oatmeal and navy. The brim of this hat has a knitted braid. I have never done one of those before. It was fun. There will be many more fair isle knits in my future. I think I might have finally worked up the nerve to start those cupcake mittens from SpillyJane. I bought the pattern and the yarn over a year ago.

A friend of mine got me to join the NerdWars group on Ravelry. I was pretty neutral about the whole thing until the challenges were issued. I have had so much fun with this. Thank you Kathy for introducing me to the fun that is NerdWars. The only thing that would make it more fun would be if I actually watched the show that  out team is based on. I have decided that it is time. I put the show in my Netflix queue and as soon as I return something there will be a disc on its way.

Happy Knitting