Sunday, February 6, 2011

How I spent my snow day -or- NerdWars Knits

It has been quite a long time since I have done color work knitting. I forgot how much I love it. I love following the chart switching between the color in my left hand and the color in my right. It is almost like meditation; blue, blue, grey, blue. Over and over again. Before I know it I am starting the decreases. The hat is Undergrowth. I used Blue Sky Alpaca Sport in oatmeal and navy. The brim of this hat has a knitted braid. I have never done one of those before. It was fun. There will be many more fair isle knits in my future. I think I might have finally worked up the nerve to start those cupcake mittens from SpillyJane. I bought the pattern and the yarn over a year ago.

A friend of mine got me to join the NerdWars group on Ravelry. I was pretty neutral about the whole thing until the challenges were issued. I have had so much fun with this. Thank you Kathy for introducing me to the fun that is NerdWars. The only thing that would make it more fun would be if I actually watched the show that  out team is based on. I have decided that it is time. I put the show in my Netflix queue and as soon as I return something there will be a disc on its way.

Happy Knitting

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