Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saturday quickie - Sock Memories Blanket

Quite a while ago I came across the Sock Yarn Blanket by Shelly Kang.  I read as she documented the progress on her blanket.  The finished project is stunning.  I have been planning on starting my own version of this blanket for months and finally got going on April 1. I made only two adjustments to the original pattern.  First I cast on 45 sts per square.  Second I decided against the I-cord edging.
My blanket after day one.
And after day two.

My goal is to use only yarn that I have personally worked with.  If that turns out to not be enough yarn I will either continue to add as I make more socks OR I will branch out and use yarns from wherever I can get them.  

Knitting this blanket has proven to be pretty addictive.  As soon as I get a square finished I need to cast on another.  I have a mental list of the next 4 yarns that I will use and where they will go.  I have not really done anything else since starting this blanket (just ask my hubby, he will confirm that the couch cushion  has perfectly molded to the shape of my arse).  Heck, it was hard enough to put down the needles so I could write this blog post.

Better go, the yarn is calling.


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