Friday, January 8, 2010

Finished socks and new shoes.

A few days later than I had hoped, the socks are now complete.  I am really happy with how they turned out.

I have to add a picture of the socks in action with my new shoes bought for the purpose of showing off all my lovely hand knit socks

I am quite fond of these shoes.  They are SO comfy and can be worn with almost anything. You can't quite tell from the picture, but the leather is brown and black.  I bought them online at my favorite shoe shopping site, Zappos.

Since I like to have a sock going at all times I cast-on a pair for O.  I had made her a pair of socks from this yarn before but she grew out of them right away.  I was initially just going to add length to the foot and knit a new toe.  Deciding that the original pair was too boring I ripped them out completely to reknit the whole thing.

This is a ankle length sock in 4x2 rib with a 2st cable going down the center of the knit section (my own design, thank you).  I am loving how it is turning out.  I just may have to make a pair for me.  The yarn is some leftover TOFUtsies in color 926.  I am a big fan of this yarn. I plan to knit many more pairs of socks out of it in many different colors. 

As I said in my last post I was going to start on the super secret project.  Well, I have started it and things are moving along pretty quickly.  I am happy with the results so far.  My worry is that I can't start on the tricky part for a while.  I will have to have the project almost done before I will really know if this method will relay the WOW that I am going for.  I tried to take a picture of the SSP but the camera can't get close enough (without being fuzzy) to not give away what the project is.  You will  have to wait along with Bradd to see it finished.  Maybe I will even be able to convince him to model it.


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