Thursday, January 21, 2010

Super Secret Project pictures and review

The SSP was finished on time, wrapped, and gifted.  I am so excited with how it turned out and even more excited to share pictures.

For the life of me I can't remember what yarn I used. Knit night is tonight (if they do not cancel)  so I will check on the name of the yarn and post it in the comments later if anyone is interested.  The hat was knit up on size 2 needles.  First I tried doing the Liver bird (for that is what the pic is) with intarsia.  I started over many times, taught the kids some new swear words, and finally decided duplicate stitch was the way to go.

I want to thank Elizabeth for posting her Liver bird chart.  I truly believe if I had to add charting the bird, this project would never have started.  I am debating writing up the pattern and putting it on Ravelry, but I am not sure yet.

As far as I know my hubby is thrilled with his hat.  I think it looks great on him.  Hopefully he will wear it during matches and Liverpool F.C. will do a bit better from now on.

I have a bunch of new projects started but that is a post for another day.  


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