Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Regrets and updates

I regret to inform you that as of today the super secret project(SSP) still has yet to be started.  Trying to figure out why that is, I have come up with the following guesses. Maybe it is because I don't have a pattern and I am not sure how to proceed ( I have started and ripped out more times than I care to mention).  Maybe it is because now that I am blogging about my knits I feel that I need to keep my works in progress down to a manageable number.  Maybe it is simply because I am lazy and the yarn is all the way downstairs and I would have to go down there and get it.  No matter what the excuse my Hubby's birthday is fast approaching and I want to wow him with the SSP.  Today I will dive in.  If I have to rip the thing out a dozen more times so be it. The yarn will just have that "worn" look to it :)

Now for some updates on the projects that have been taking up most of my time.

The socks are moving along quite quick. I love how the colors are working up. The finished sock looks a bit bigger because I have been trying it on.  I have been known to wear the finished sock while working on the one in progress as motivation.  I choose to believe that is a completely normal practice and will continue to do so because it is fun.

My sweater is looking great too. I have the body done up to the underarm.  Now I am working on making the sleeves so I can attach them to the body before continuing.  I am doing the invisible cast on with the sleeves. With a sweater like this it is hard to determine how long to make each sleeve.  This way I can pick up the live stitches at the wrist end and either add or subtract a few inches then knit the cuff.  I am really looking forward to putting this sweater on once it is finished. It will be so warm and snuggly.

Alright, time to go and start the SSP.  Wish me luck.  


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