Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Madison Knitters Guild meeting.

Last night I met up with Alisa and went with her to the MKG meeting. 

The guest speaker was Susan Anderson, author of the wonderful Itty Bitty series of knitting books.  She was so great. I could have listened to her for hours. The picture is a bit blurry as she did not like to stand still while talking. After listening to her and seeing her beautiful patterns I have decided that I must own all three of her books. I only wish I would have got them before last night so I could have had them all signed.

At the guild meetings there is a market.  In the market was La Bella Vita where I got the Artyarns silk with beads and sequins in this gorgeous teal color. I already have a pattern picked out for this and it is taking all my will power to wait and cast it on when I am done with the projects I have  going already.

From the La Bella Vita shop I also got these two hanks of Sandy's Palette Merino Sox. I could not pick which color I like best so I had to get both.

The other shop featured in the market was The Dragonfly Yarn Shop where I got this great sock yarn by Lorna's Laces. I use Lorna's a lot and love the socks I get from it.  I am pretty sure this yarn will be made into a pair for me. Can't you just see them with my new shoes?  I think they will look perfect.

I am still working hard on the SSP and have put most other projects aside for now.  I hope that I will be done with it in time. All the projects I have made for hubby so far have been given to him as yarn so I could work on them in front of him. This year I really want to be able to give him a finished project. I want him to be able to put it on and wear it right out of the wrapping.  That said, I better get back to my knitting.


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