Thursday, December 31, 2009

New years resolutions and a super secret project

Happy New Year!

Today is the last day of the decade. Do you remember what you were doing this time in 1999? I sure do. We were home. Bradd and I were working on 4 months of married life. The now teen was just a little sweetie. We had the TV on and watched the new year in in all the different time zones.  We had snacks. We had drinks. We had fun. We had no clue what the next 10 years would bring us.  Heck, I did not even knit when we welcomed in 2000.

With another decade behind us I am looking forward.  What can I do now to make the next ten years better than the past ten?  I have come up with a few resolutions.

1. I will not take those I love for granted. I will hug them and tell them I love them every chance I get.

2.I will remind myself that I have everything I need and to stop wasting time complaining about things I want.

3. I will add more charity knitting on my list of things to do.


4. I will TRY to keep my knitting and yarn from exploding all over the house.

I think that I have come up with a pretty do-able list (all except for that last one).  

Now on to my super secret project. I do say super secret project with just a hint of sarcasm. Hubby has a birthday coming in a few weeks.  I am planning on making him something as part of his gift.  That is no big secret.  I have, in the past, made him things for birthday/anniversary/Christmas.  The problem is keeping him from seeing the gift before it is done.  Hubby works from home and I knit at home.  You see how that could make things a bit tricky?  I have decided to embrace this and see it as a challenge.  I will now be known as Sarah the Super Stealthy Knitter.  


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