Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas gifts and projects started

Merry Christmas

I hope one and all are having a great Holiday season.  We are having a blast.  I am actually enjoying having the kids home for break this year.  The house is a bit messy but not too bad.  It just looks like we are having too good a time to stop and clean.  

Hubby and the kids were quite the little Santas this year.  I have to take a sec and share one of the great gifts that I got from them this year.

I was gifted three hanks of yarn from three different yarn shops and a gift card for each.  The three shops were: Off the Beaten Path a shop that I have only been to once and that was before they opened in their new location.  I look forward to checking out the new shop.  Lakeside Fibers where I love to go get a coffee, shop, or just knit while looking out at the water. I can't wait to spend a relaxing afternoon there. Finally, The Knitting Tree This shop I have only been to a few times to find some swanky yarn that I could not find anywhere else.  It is a great place and they have those beautiful leather knitting bags (one may have to come home with me this time).  Props to my Hubby for thinking up my Madison tour of yarn.

Now that Christmas is over and the gifts are out (except a scarf for my bro-in-law, sorry Bryan, I will have it done soon, I PROMISE) I was able to start a few new projects.

I started working on the Sven that I talked about in my previous post. One correction has been made. The sweater was going to be for O, now it will be for me.  I decided that I would make that change and accept the fact that O does not like warm sweaters.  I think once I embrace that I will be better off in the long run.

I also started on a pair of socks for me.  I have had this yarn for almost a year now.  I bought it when I went to the Knit-In held by the Madison Knitters Guild.  The yarn is from Creatively Dyed Yarn.  I fell in love with his dyer the moment I laid eyes on her stuff.  She uses some of the greatest color combinations I have seen.  The pattern for the sock is Teosinte Socks from Knitspot.  I have bought many a pattern from Anne.  If you have time you might want to read her blog too.  She designs a lot of socks and lace projects.  

Yesterday I ordered a pair of shoes to show off my collection of knit socks.  Hopefully I will have the Teosinte Socks done by the time they get here.  They would be perfect for the first day out in my new shoes.


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