Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Post Christmas project

I have been working, for what seems like forever, on Christmas gifts. Today I crossed two more items off my list. Yippie!!!  With only three projects left to go I figured it was high time I started planning out what I would work on once the gifts have been gifted.

Thinking about what to knit next is quite a task. Over the years I have compiled a list, longer than you can imagine, of things I want to make. Trying to narrow it down to one project makes my brain ache. I sat on the couch and was staring out the window watching it snow. Thinking snow led me to skiing and that led me to warm, cozy ski sweaters. That in turn reminded me of one of the first sweaters I ever made. O was the lucky recipient of that sweater and she loved it. She looked so cute in it.

Eventually, as all children do, she grew and no longer fit in the sweater. I carefully packed it away and planned out the colors for a new one the next size up. The sweater knit up quickly and in my opinion, was just as cute as the first one. Well, O did not agree. Yes, she said she loved it and put it on right away. She wore it for about 5 min, took it off, and has not put it back on since (I am not counting the times I guilted her into putting it on). That was two winters ago now. I have mentioned maybe giving the sweater to someone who might want to wear it but she continues to insist she loves it. Wants to keep it "for decoration".

Using  the same pattern, The Big Sven Sveater by Cottage Creations, I am determined to make her another sweater she will love. I got her input on colors and even went back to the same brand of yarn I used for the first, Encore by Plymouth Yarn.

If for some reason she does not love it this time, I promise to give up if only to save her the guilt of having yet another Mommy-made sweater she does not like. I will then return to making socks for C. That little man can't get enough hand knit socks and I love that about him.


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