Friday, December 18, 2009

The socks are in the mail.

A while back I was approached at a Madison Knitter's Guild meeting and asked to write out a pattern for the heart knee socks I was working on. Today, after much procrastination I got the socks and the notes for the socks in the mail. I am pretty excited as I have never had any of my own patterns in a magazine. Heck, I have never had any of my designs recreated by anyone but myself.

Not really thinking, I managed to mail off the socks having taken only the one picture.  Will fix the problem and add some shots of O modeling them once I get them back.

I have been working endlessly on all the Christmas knits planned. Can't wait to get them all finished.  Loving to knit as much as I do I never thought the words, "I don't want to knit tonight" would ever be spoken. Hopefully that has more to do with the looming deadline than the actual knitting.   

With the dogs playing/fighting at my feet I am reminded that I have a movie paused and some half done socks calling me.  Time to get back to it and see what I can get done before I have to go get the kids from school.


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